A break from the short sale saga to direct tribute to a contemplative great.
Why is David Bowie so amazing, and so not all at the same time? You seriously have to be in the exact frame of mind to enjoy one of his songs.. and when you find yourself there you can't get enough! Savor this time until you've had enough I say; you never know when you will find the pocket of David Bowie love in your brain again.
With Outside Lands just in my backyard I find myself sitting at this computer wishing that the Great Neil Young will come and swoop me up (as if I would run away!). He would kidnap me and sit me right in the middle of the grass field in GG Park with all of the accoutrements of hippi concert living and take me out of this place of dark misery brought on by yet another week of having our hopes up and another weekend of not moving. Has anyone in history ever wanted to MOVE this much before?
And I digress, this is a break from the short sale.. yet it's like being a mom of twins and getting a pedicure at the same time. So wonderfully blissful, yet the time is indulgently spent with torturous thoughts over how many diapers or shoes can be bought with the amount of money spent on this beautiful blip in time.. someone is rubbing your feet, you're even holding that a coveted warm Starbucks in hand, and right as you drift off into trashy magazine reading heaven you are awaked with a lighting jolt of "WAIT did I rinse out the sippy cups before I filled them this morning!!!!!!!". Such as this, no daydream about Neil Young, or Dave Grohl for that matter, can be had without reflecting on the piss-poor situation the banks have led us into.
These daydreams got me so giddy, thinking I could run into these famous people in my neighborhood, EVEN BETTER that they could potentially kidnap me in my wildest dreams! Then I started thinking.. what would I do if I ran into one of these FAMous people? Knowing me I'd probably act cool and not make eye contact. If I'd treat them just like any other person, then why is the thought of inevitably ignoring them so exciting?? I mean, I'd never dream of anyone else kidnapping me.
Maybe David Bowie is right, is Fame where things are hollow? Count me out, I'm about filling myself back up these days.
... and still listening to the beautiful music solely on my headphones.
Who's the loser NOW.
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