Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What makes a bad day bad or a good day good?

For instance, Office Space.  The guy was legit driven crazy by his job and work atmosphere.  Or was it the hypnosis?  Well who knows, but either way. 

If the dude adopted a positive attitude day in and day out and just held on to the thought that it would all be over at 5:00 pm for him to go on and live his normal life, would that positive thinking make that seriously detestable atmosphere tolerable for another 30 years until retirement?

Some days I feel like that.  Sometimes those days can run into a week.  Sometimes I take that terrible feeling home with me and let it affect my marriage and motherhood. 

Why is it that some days the negative just takes over like the dude in Office Space?  Usually I can look at the millions of positives, but some days it's like I'm a pig in shit just rolling around in all of the negative.  Why does it feel so good every once in a while to just have a royally shitty day and feel so bad for yourself????  It really can make you feel like a terrible person when you hate being at work and everyone annoys you, then you dread going home to have to act happy to your family who depends on you to be happy.  Isn't that what living is all about?

Some days it takes a piece of shit co worker to come down on you for all of the wrong reasons to answer that very question.  ahasopiaeroihtyhasdfl98w75r98sdf

Because it just so happens another co worker goes to Starbucks.  And for no good reason asks if you want a coffee.  You thank her and tell her no, you wouldn't want to trouble her.  But she wants to bring you one!  So when you give her your money when she comes back with your coffee, she looks at you like you are literally nuts.  She just wanted to get you a coffee.

That moment today made me cry.  The idea of this lovely person going out of her way to get me a coffee was so nice to me.  But for her to do it without me paying her back just wasn't an option in my mind.  Her response made me realize maybe I am crazy.  Wait, I do deserve a coffee right now.  I do deserve for such a lovely person to show me such a kind act.  I do deserve this.

To her, maybe it was a $4.00 coffee.  To me this was the breath of fresh air and the reason to cry that I needed to push on through. 

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