Short sales, by def, are shady.
There are so many different levels of "for sale" that short sale is like a blanket of "don't bother" when looking for a home. Investors make your move, families beware!
One month into our journey, we fell head over heeeels for a beach house. And by head over heels I mean like that piece of pudding pie you only wanted to take one bite of but just keep eating bite after bite.. I'd like to take a Housewives move and smother it in ketchup, deeming it inedible. The beach house essentially ended up drenched in a thick layer of ketchup; so close to being finished bite by bite, until the party was inevitably ruined for all.
Now, when you hear beach house I know what you're thinking. Hawaii. Venice Beach. Even Baker Beach. No, you're mistaken, silly! Remember? Short sale. By beach house I mean house on a corner of a busy street leading to, not a beach, but a cliff above the ocean where hang gliders take the plunge for that gust of, no not only salty air, but putrid fruity air, due to the garbage dump included behind the back yard. San Francisco beaches are, by def, miserable. However, the view of the ocean is definitely the only amazing part of being by the beach.
Which is essentially how this love story began. House needed tons of work, the yard.. eh... buttttt climb up to the top of the hilly landscape and perch on the (imaginary) couple's swing to overlook the beautiful ocean. Make sure you bring every blanket in the house, but still enjoy.
I mean the hardwood floors were painted black. The bedrooms were the size of that sardine can the Rescuers (that underrated Disney movie with the chubby mouse attempting to woo a posh and very English mouse) rode in (and the Seagul takes them everywhere while they can cozy up in their little can). Ah sorry good movie.
Point is, we saw potential. And made an offer right away. For above the asking price! Our delusional, sappy, crazy asses drove up there almost every night for a couple of weeks to look around, show parents, show the kids, map our routes to and from work and day care, play in the adjacent parks, EVERYTHING! We essentially almost started camping there.
Low and behold the realtor never presented our offer. Apparently the bank had turned down previous low-balled offers before the sale price was lowered. So the selling agent thought it would be best to re-present EXPIRED offers before entertaining the idea of ours (aka inside job ding ding). Our offer was still highest in the corral of bids, so we waited it out.
And still never heard.
And still haven't heard. But recently checked and saw that the beach house was no longer on the market. Basically the banks missed out biggggg time on cashing in on our higher offer, or we like to think so.
And so we saddled our defeated asses back into that speedy BMW to see what other run down places we could offer our lifes' savings for. Yippee!!!